Landscape Lighting Contractor
Let’s light up your landscape and accent your home for enjoyment in the evenings too.
Where Beauty and Security Meet
Bright Idea
Landscape lighting is a great idea to add value to your home and improve its security at the same time.
Show Off Your Home
Landscape lighting brings your home to life at night. Enjoy the evenings with lit pathways, accented trees and shrubs and an ambiance that sets the mood for any occasion.
Bring your landscaping to life during the night!
We design and install your landscape lighting to bring security, value to your home and an enjoyable atmosphere to the evening.
We use water resistant connectors and test each connection for the proper voltage. Wires passing through bed edges are placed in PVC conduit so they do not get cut when edging the beds.
The fixtures we use are solid brass and carry a lifetime warranty. The LED bulbs carry a lifetime warranty as well.
We offer a one year service warranty on our installed lighting, if anything happens give us a call.
LED Low-Energy Lighting
Lifetime Bulb Life Spans
App Integrated Control
Limitless Colors Options
Improve Your Families Security
“Wow what a nice surprise!! A beautiful poinsettia from Yard Designs. Not only are they the best landscapers they are the nicest people ever!!“
Rose Zimmer | Landscape Client Edgewood, KY